Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed and exasperated? That was my house this morning. Abby couldn't find her report card. She has gone almost a month without getting signed at school. She's really worked hard to do right this year, and she's matured so much. But, without that signed report card, she was going to get her name signed on her behavior report.
She was beside herself. She asked me where I put it (of course, it was all MY fault that it was missing). I told her it was exactly where I had left it when I told her to put it in her backpack -- on the dashboard of my car. She couldn't find it. She came in and threw an absolute crying fit (HIGH DRAMA!). Now, I know nothing like this ever happens at your houses, so don't judge! :)
Well, after about five minutes, I finally went out to the car, and sure enough, the report card was right where I said it was. I handed it to her and told her to put it IN her backpack. She continued to blame me for having "moved" it. Then, she went on to tell me all of the other things that were my fault. I took it for about a minute, and then said, "Okay, Abby. I realize that you are starting off rough this morning. So, go ahead...give me your best shot. Think of all of the things that you could possibly blame me for, and I'm going to stand here and just take it." Her tears immediately changed from ones of exasperation to ones of remorse. She sobbed as she grabbed me and hugged me and apologized. In that moment, she realized that she hadn't been treating me right. That tender, beautiful heart came out through the tears of my precious daughter. We hugged, and then dried the tears, and then she went on to school with a smile on her face.
I thought about that after she left this morning. That's what I did to Jesus. I cast all of the blame on him. He took the brunt of all of my sin. He carried the burden of my temper tantrums and poor choices and disobedience.
My prayer this afternoon was that God would make me more sensitive to His Spirit. We are filled with so much junk. We permit ourselves to act so badly sometimes. We get overwhelmed with life, and let the junk spill out instead of the light.
But, Jesus was light. He came into a dark world, and he lit this world on fire! John 8:12 (NIV1984) says,
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
This Advent season, we sing about light. Jesus Christ: Light of the World. We have the opportunity to share that light in this world. As you go through this season, ask God to make you more aware. Sometimes, as in Abby's & my case, that's all you need -- that gentle reminder.
This is my prayer for all of us this season:
"Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven." Matthew 5:16 (NIV1984)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Pick Me!
Tonight was a night filled with tears. My son came home...cut from the basketball team. This kid LOVES to play basketball. He was crushed. He was angry. And the tears flowed.
Of course, as a parent, I wanted to sympathize and tell him how rotten and stupid the coaches were. But the fact of the matter is, there is no basis for that statement. I haven't seen the tryouts. I don't know the criteria of the coaches. I don't know what they saw or didn't see in players. I don't know what my son's attitude was toward them. What I know is that he was hurt, and when he hurts, I hurt!
Last week, our Pastor shared a passage of scripture with us. God, as usual was working way ahead of us. He knew I needed this scripture fresh on my mind. It is from Ephesians, Chapter 1.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
--Ephesians 1:3-10 (NIV1984)
Read that passage again, beginning verse 4, and note the verbs used:
*He chose us
*He predistined us (adopted us)
*He has freely given to us the One
*He has lavished grace upon us
*He has made known to us Himself -- He reveals Himself to us and does not hide from us
*He brings unity to all things under Christ
This is a powerful section of scripture showing us our place in this world. My favorite verb in this passage is Chose. The GOD OF THE UNIVERSE CHOSE US! Let that sink in a moment.
There wasn't much I could say to comfort my son, or ease his ego about his basketball skills. But, I could let him know his place in this world--as an adopted (chosen) child of God. Junior High coaches may not have chosen him, but the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE did. God wants my son on his team. God wants my son as a part of His Kingdom work. He chose him. He chose me. He chose you!
When I read this passage with my son, and showed him those verbs--God not just watching from afar, but taking real action--his tears change from tears of sadness and sorrow to tears of thankfulness and deep-seeded joy.
All of us have disappointments in life. All of us are excluded at some point by some group. All of us experience doubts about ourselves and our abilities. When things like this happen, just read this passage, and be reminded of your place in this world -- child of God!
John 15:11 (NIV)
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
Of course, as a parent, I wanted to sympathize and tell him how rotten and stupid the coaches were. But the fact of the matter is, there is no basis for that statement. I haven't seen the tryouts. I don't know the criteria of the coaches. I don't know what they saw or didn't see in players. I don't know what my son's attitude was toward them. What I know is that he was hurt, and when he hurts, I hurt!
Last week, our Pastor shared a passage of scripture with us. God, as usual was working way ahead of us. He knew I needed this scripture fresh on my mind. It is from Ephesians, Chapter 1.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
--Ephesians 1:3-10 (NIV1984)
Read that passage again, beginning verse 4, and note the verbs used:
*He chose us
*He predistined us (adopted us)
*He has freely given to us the One
*He has lavished grace upon us
*He has made known to us Himself -- He reveals Himself to us and does not hide from us
*He brings unity to all things under Christ
This is a powerful section of scripture showing us our place in this world. My favorite verb in this passage is Chose. The GOD OF THE UNIVERSE CHOSE US! Let that sink in a moment.
There wasn't much I could say to comfort my son, or ease his ego about his basketball skills. But, I could let him know his place in this world--as an adopted (chosen) child of God. Junior High coaches may not have chosen him, but the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE did. God wants my son on his team. God wants my son as a part of His Kingdom work. He chose him. He chose me. He chose you!
When I read this passage with my son, and showed him those verbs--God not just watching from afar, but taking real action--his tears change from tears of sadness and sorrow to tears of thankfulness and deep-seeded joy.
All of us have disappointments in life. All of us are excluded at some point by some group. All of us experience doubts about ourselves and our abilities. When things like this happen, just read this passage, and be reminded of your place in this world -- child of God!
John 15:11 (NIV)
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
Monday, November 8, 2010
LOVE: Building Significant Spiritual Relationships
This week, I was riding in the car with a friend of mine. We were on our way to play a “gig” in Ft. Worth. She is an incredible Christian woman, and we were talking about a conversation she recently had.
She walked into a small shop in Arlington to sign her daughters up for sewing lessons. After talking with the woman for a short time, she made the comment, “Well God has certainly blessed you.” The woman immediately informed her that she didn’t believe in God. My friend immediately found herself in a spiritual conversation without even expecting it or preparing for it. But, she had the opportunity to witness to this woman. The woman didn’t accept Christ, but she did hug my friend and said she looks forward to future conversations as my friend brings her daughters for sewing lessons.
Sunday evening, several of the kids in the youth choir were telling me what God was doing in their lives. One girl – who almost never says a word – came and found me after rehearsal. She wanted to share with me what God was doing. God placed her next to a boy in one of her classes who claims to be an atheist. She has had the opportunity to have many spiritual conversations with this young man. Through time, he’s come to respect her and has told her so. She had tears in her eyes as she told me her fear that she isn’t going to know all the answers or say the right thing. I reminded her that God placed her there for a purpose and He would give her the words. It wasn’t about who she is, it’s about who God is.
LOVE – this is one of our growth areas. I’ll bet you expected me to say “SHARE”. But really, it all starts with LOVE. In both of these situations, it is going to take time to build a significant spiritual relationship. It takes time to earn trust and respect. But both of these women were available for God to use them—even when they weren’t expecting it, and maybe felt less than prepared.
We have an opportunity this week right here on our own campus to build significant spiritual relationships – to LOVE. On Monday, November 15th, we expect to have between 75 and 100 students from UTA here to hear Music Mondays with UTA. I would like to encourage you all to be here to meet them and support them. It’s a wonderful opportunity to love on them, to begin to build relationships with both students and faculty members. If you are available and willing, please come at 12:15 (or a little early to visit) and stay afterward to host these students and faculty for lunch. The recital only lasts 30 minutes.
If you can’t be here, please join me in praying for this opportunity. Also, please join me in praying for the four individuals I mentioned above – that the believers will be faithful to love, and that God will soften and change the hearts of the unbelievers.
1 Corinthians 3:6 (NIV) I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.
She walked into a small shop in Arlington to sign her daughters up for sewing lessons. After talking with the woman for a short time, she made the comment, “Well God has certainly blessed you.” The woman immediately informed her that she didn’t believe in God. My friend immediately found herself in a spiritual conversation without even expecting it or preparing for it. But, she had the opportunity to witness to this woman. The woman didn’t accept Christ, but she did hug my friend and said she looks forward to future conversations as my friend brings her daughters for sewing lessons.
Sunday evening, several of the kids in the youth choir were telling me what God was doing in their lives. One girl – who almost never says a word – came and found me after rehearsal. She wanted to share with me what God was doing. God placed her next to a boy in one of her classes who claims to be an atheist. She has had the opportunity to have many spiritual conversations with this young man. Through time, he’s come to respect her and has told her so. She had tears in her eyes as she told me her fear that she isn’t going to know all the answers or say the right thing. I reminded her that God placed her there for a purpose and He would give her the words. It wasn’t about who she is, it’s about who God is.
LOVE – this is one of our growth areas. I’ll bet you expected me to say “SHARE”. But really, it all starts with LOVE. In both of these situations, it is going to take time to build a significant spiritual relationship. It takes time to earn trust and respect. But both of these women were available for God to use them—even when they weren’t expecting it, and maybe felt less than prepared.
We have an opportunity this week right here on our own campus to build significant spiritual relationships – to LOVE. On Monday, November 15th, we expect to have between 75 and 100 students from UTA here to hear Music Mondays with UTA. I would like to encourage you all to be here to meet them and support them. It’s a wonderful opportunity to love on them, to begin to build relationships with both students and faculty members. If you are available and willing, please come at 12:15 (or a little early to visit) and stay afterward to host these students and faculty for lunch. The recital only lasts 30 minutes.
If you can’t be here, please join me in praying for this opportunity. Also, please join me in praying for the four individuals I mentioned above – that the believers will be faithful to love, and that God will soften and change the hearts of the unbelievers.
1 Corinthians 3:6 (NIV) I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Living Sacrifice
Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”
I’ve been thinking about those words: Living Sacrifice. Sacrifice is not something that is natural for most Westerners. Most of us complain if the room is too hot or too cold, or if the food isn’t to our taste.
I was talking to my daughter the other day about how there are people in the world who don’t have food to eat. She said, “Why don’t we just buy them some food?” I told her the story of when I was in Cuba. It was shortly after a hurricane had hit the island. When I was picked up from the airport, I was picked up in an un-air-conditioned van that had huge holes in the floor (we suspended our feet as we drove). The man who picked us up told us that part of his daily routine was walking into town to see if there was food that day. If there was, they ate. If there wasn’t, they went hungry. I told him I’d buy him and his family some food. We stopped at every little town, and I offered my money. The problem wasn’t money—it was that there was no food. It was my first experience seeing people literally praying for food each day. As we went throughout the week, God provided rice and plantain for us each day. The last day, the family killed their rooster for us to eat. It was their sacrifice—their offering—to us to thank us for discipling them in the faith.
I say this, because we are such creatures of comfort. I’ve been convicted about this lately. Here is the question I have asked myself when I worship: “What have I sacrificed today for the Lord?” “What is my offering?” It may be something as simple as spending time away from the television and in the Word. It may be practicing for a rehearsal more so I can be adequately prepared to rehearse players and singers to lead worship. It may be denying myself something so I can give more generously to others. But, the Bible tells us clearly that we are to be “living sacrifices”. What does this mean? Here’s verse 2:
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
The key is transformation. We need to be growing in the Jesus Way every day. This requires submission, surrender, study, and yes, sacrifice.
As we approach worship this Sunday, we are singing a new song called “Awakening” by Chris Tomlin. Before we can begin to ignite this world for Christ, we first need a revival in our own souls. That’s what this song calls for. Here are the lyrics. I urge you to meditate on these as you prepare for Worship this Sunday. Pray for awakening in your heart…in your city…in your nation…in this world.
In our hearts, Lord, in this nation
Holy Spirit, we desire
For You and You alone
awake my soul; awake my soul, and sing.
For the world You love
Your will be done, let Your will be done in me.
I’ve been thinking about those words: Living Sacrifice. Sacrifice is not something that is natural for most Westerners. Most of us complain if the room is too hot or too cold, or if the food isn’t to our taste.
I was talking to my daughter the other day about how there are people in the world who don’t have food to eat. She said, “Why don’t we just buy them some food?” I told her the story of when I was in Cuba. It was shortly after a hurricane had hit the island. When I was picked up from the airport, I was picked up in an un-air-conditioned van that had huge holes in the floor (we suspended our feet as we drove). The man who picked us up told us that part of his daily routine was walking into town to see if there was food that day. If there was, they ate. If there wasn’t, they went hungry. I told him I’d buy him and his family some food. We stopped at every little town, and I offered my money. The problem wasn’t money—it was that there was no food. It was my first experience seeing people literally praying for food each day. As we went throughout the week, God provided rice and plantain for us each day. The last day, the family killed their rooster for us to eat. It was their sacrifice—their offering—to us to thank us for discipling them in the faith.
I say this, because we are such creatures of comfort. I’ve been convicted about this lately. Here is the question I have asked myself when I worship: “What have I sacrificed today for the Lord?” “What is my offering?” It may be something as simple as spending time away from the television and in the Word. It may be practicing for a rehearsal more so I can be adequately prepared to rehearse players and singers to lead worship. It may be denying myself something so I can give more generously to others. But, the Bible tells us clearly that we are to be “living sacrifices”. What does this mean? Here’s verse 2:
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
The key is transformation. We need to be growing in the Jesus Way every day. This requires submission, surrender, study, and yes, sacrifice.
As we approach worship this Sunday, we are singing a new song called “Awakening” by Chris Tomlin. Before we can begin to ignite this world for Christ, we first need a revival in our own souls. That’s what this song calls for. Here are the lyrics. I urge you to meditate on these as you prepare for Worship this Sunday. Pray for awakening in your heart…in your city…in your nation…in this world.
In our hearts, Lord, in this nation
Holy Spirit, we desire
For You and You alone
awake my soul; awake my soul, and sing.
For the world You love
Your will be done, let Your will be done in me.
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...what a memory!