Saturday, June 14, 2008
Patience and Perserverance
Several weeks ago, I was in the car with my 11 year old son. He had heard me talking with a friend of mine about a drug issue that her daughter was facing. He asked me what "pot" was. I saw this as a golden "teachable moment", and proceeded to tell him what pot was, and probably way more than he wanted to know about drugs. I told him that he would encounter a lot of temptation over the next few years as people his age began to make bad choices and experiment in lots of different things. As I was talking, I noticed he had a very serious face and was deep in thought. I asked him if he had anything on his mind. He said, "Yes." I asked him if he'd like to share it with me or talk to me about it. He said, "Well, I was just thinking...if I were a superhero, which superpower I would want to have. It's a very hard decision." I wanted to throw my hands up in the air. I felt like he hadn't heard a word I had said. My teachable moment had just flown out the window.
Last weekend, we took our youth on choir tour. For Sunday church, they sang between two basketball games. That may sound odd to you, but a Christian coach had a vision and followed it. He was going to church, but couldn't get his boys on his team there because of Sunday basketball games. In the midst of his discouragement, God told him, "Why don't you bring church to the basketball court?" He answered God faithfully, and did. Between tournaments, they have a church service in the lunch room where the boys come to get their snacks. We led in worship, and then sat down to hear the preacher. The preacher preached, and I thought, "Nobody is listening...this is futile." But at the invitation, two of those boys accepted Christ. The man served faithfully, and God penetrated hearts!
Isaiah 55:11 says, "So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
There are times when we may feel like our words or our testimonies are falling on deaf ears, but I assure you they are not. Back to my son's story, the next time he needs to ask about drugs or has a concern about another issue, he knows that he can come and talk to me. He heard me. I was just too impatient to appreciate his innocence and God's timing. As I've reflected on that, it reminded me to be thankful for that innocent, "little boy" perspective that he still has. This preacher preached his heart out--truth about salvation in God--and two boys gave their lives to Christ. He was patient in his delivery and perservered in his passion for winning those boys to Christ. God was faithful, and answered boldly!
With perserverance and patience, we must keep seeking out God's Word. And then, with patience and perserverence, we must keep proclaiming it. As promised in Isaiah, it will not come back void!
You said, "Ask and you will receive whatever you need." You said, "Pray and I'll hear from heaven, and I'll heal your land." You said Your glory will fill the earth like water the sea. You said, "Lift up your eyes; the harvest is here, the kingdom is near." You said, "Ask and I'll give the nations to You". O God, it's the cry of my heart. Distant shores and the islands will see Your light as it rises on us. O Lord, we ask for the nations. (worship song by Reuben Morgan)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Generation to Come
Smells: sunscreen, dirty socks, chlorine, camp food--it all smells the same
Touches: heat on your skin, hugs, breeze on your face, splashes from the pool, the Holy Spirit present
These are just a few things that I experience every year at Children's Camp. This year, we took 299 sponsors and children to Glenrose. It was an amazing time. David, Shawn, Brian, Kim and others work tirelessly to make sure our kids are safe and have an incredible experience. Barry and Dennis lead so wonderfully in worship. Daryl and his crew work tirelessly around the clock to address every media need and capture the memories on video. This year, we had 35 professions of faith and 17 rededications. Their hearts are so tender, and so honest.
One of the lessons I learned (or was reminded of) is that we need to set our expectations high for the future. There is a wonderful generation of kids just waiting to be used. And they need to be trained and made to feel useful.
Our youth band led worship at Children's Camp. This was a group of 5 guys entering 8th grade to entering 11th grade. They took it seriously. Now they were kids...complete with the ghost stories, sleeping in life preservers, camp pranks, etc. But, when I challenged them in leadership, they stepped up. It wasn't about music or performance to them. It was about modeling and leadership. They took seriously their spiritual preparation each day--spending quiet time with God. They took seriously their musical preparation--they would have played all day if I'd have let them. But then, they took seriously the modeling. They spent the afternoons playing with the kids in the pool, or helping Brian by filling water balloons. They were servant leaders. I was proud.
I came back to Brown Blvd on Sunday, where one of our adults was training two of our "children" to do the graphics. She showed them how to do it just before the service, and that 5th and 6th grader ran the entire service on Sunday. I didn't even notice that it wasn't an adult running them. They felt useful, and were helping to lead the entire congregation in worship.
Mark 9:37 says, "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me;"
I have been truly blessed by the ministry of these "children". Scripture talks about faith like a child. We often think of that as "simple" faith. This week, I thought of it as willing and fearless. It made me truly excited about the next generation of believers and all that God will do through them.
Lord, thank You for Your provision. Thank You for Your training. Thank You for a church who believes that even our children can serve You powerfully and meaningfully. Help us to teach this next generation, and help us to be willing to pass the baton graciously as that time comes. Thank You for the reminder that You are eternal, and Your work will continue for generations to come!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Two lessons I've learned over the past several months:
1. You can't expect to get out of people what isn't there. I tend to see people with rose-colored glasses and think I can "fix" them or convince them to do the right thing. Sometimes people are just broken or incapable, and we can't "fix" them. It has been a great lesson and reminder that I can't rely on my own power or strength in these circumstances, but have to ALWAYS depend on God's transforming power and renewal. God can fix or change any heart--in His time.
2 Corinthians 4:18 "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
2. I am so grateful for this church. I love my church. I'm thankful for the health. I'm thankful for the opportunities. I'm thankful for the leadership. I'm thankful for the vision. I'm thankful for the hardworking, healthy people I get to plow alongside on a daily basis. I'm just thankful!!!
Matthew 16:18 "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
Thank you, Lord for the hard lessons in life. Thank You for the reminder that You are sovereign, and that You alone heal hearts. Thank You for Your presence in my church. Thank You for Your promise about The Church. Thank You for the promise of hope and a future. Thank You for Your victory over sin and death. Thank You for loving us as only You can do.
Monday, June 2, 2008
"In Love"
This has been a remarkable month. Just in corporate worship, I have experienced seeing a strong class of seniors graduate on to the next stage in life, new babies dedicated into this family of faith, new staff positions and responsibilities, countless people serving selflessly in worship leadership, and powerful preaching. In rehearsals, I've seen 8th graders preparing to lead children in worship at children's camp, 3 year old choirs through senior adult choirs preparing to lead in worship, youth ensembles, adult ensembles, orchestras, rhythm sections, handbells, praise teams, media's overwhelming the number of people serving faithfully. Then, personally, I've seen Sunday school teachers, choir directors, karate teachers, orchestra teachers, coaches, parents, and so many other wonderful Christian people leading my children by example.
As Curt spoke Sunday, I was struck by the passage both he and Dennis mentioned: Ephesians 4. The part that jumped out at me was the passage above. Twice, Paul mentions that we are to do things "in love"--speak the truth, grow, build each other up. I can honestly say that I would not be the person I am today if I didn't have COUNTLESS Christian examples in my life who spoke the truth to me, instructed me, prayed for me and encouraged me "in love". I am thankful that this church continues to live out that legacy which Paul laid out for us in Holy Scripture.
I am thankful for Margaret Johnson, who was my hero growing up. I always wanted to be like her and admired her so. I was star-struck every time she came home on furlough, because I loved her stories about how God was at work, and I knew she was living her life for Christ. Because of her example, I learned to embrace God's calling in my life, and not to fear it.
I am thankful for faithful Sunday School teachers like Bill Johnson, Sondra Adair, Donna McCown and sound pastors, Dennis Wiles and Charles Wade who taught me, and continue to teach me, the truths in Holy Scripture. I'll never forget my 8th grade Sunday School class--we learned more about the Bible that year than I ever did in any other class. Because of their faithfulness, I learned to crave knowledge and depth in Scripture.
I am thankful for choir directors and musicians placed in my life. But none could compare to Barry Rock, who once asked me the most painful (but revealing) question "in love": "Are you worshiping God or are you worshiping the music?" It was a question that sent me and my husband on an incredible journey as we sought out why God gave us the tools He did in this body, and how He desired for us to use them. And I can't leave the "music" subject without mentioning Jane Ellis. What a remarkable musician, and what an incredibly faithful servant of the Lord! Her knowledge of the Bible and thirst for it as she continually studies and shares with younger women is inspiring. Because of their modeling, I learned that God desires my whole life, not just the musical part, and I learned that the music is just a tool that He has given so that others may be drawn to Him.
I am thankful for our youth and children who continue to challenge me every day. They are reminders that we must continue to grow, because we have a responsibility to shape them, and they are our future! Because of their uninhibited worship, I look forward to worshiping with abandon this week at children's camp.
Well, all in all, I was just overwhelmed with gratitude to God for placing me in a congregation of believers who challenge, grow, question, speak, teach, sing, worship and encourage "in love". I look forward to many more years of growing deeper in Christ with this body of believers.
Lord, thank You for opening the eyes of my heart and allowing the gratitude to spill out. You are good. Thank You for challenging Your people, and allowing us to grow, even through difficult times, "in love". Thank You for the Scripture, and how it leads us and guides us every step of the way in our walk with You. Thank You for being in relationship with us, and filling in the gaps our our limited understanding with Your Spirit. There are many lives still to shape and call forth in You. Help us to do our part. Amen.
On Top of Pecos Baldy
...what a memory!