Devotion (Day 2)
What is it that you are afraid of?
Right now, list out some specific fears in your life before God. Some may include:
ü Fear of failure
ü Fear of commitment
ü Fear of declining health
ü Fear of the future and what it holds
ü Fear of new situations
Now, list out some specific fears related to foreign missions. Some may include:
ü Fear of not being able to communicate because of language
ü Fear of getting sick
ü Fear of people not liking me
ü Fear of the food
ü Fear of not having enough time to accomplish all that I’ve been asked to do
Right now, lay out these fears before God.
My biggest fear in life is fear of failure. I am so afraid to fail. I stay up at night until every task on my work list is completed because I’m afraid I’ll forget something or let someone down (that’s why so often you’ll see emails from me at 1:00—I’m completing my list). I feel such a sense of responsibility to the things I’m committed to, that I can’t stand the thought of failing. This fear of failure gets me in more trouble and sin than anything else. It gets me into trouble and into sinful worrying because it causes me often to draw from my own strength, which wears me down fast to where I truly am useless. It causes sinful anxiety. This is something that I battle every day. I can’t stand the thought of me failing or allowing something to fail.
Here are the things satan often whispers in my ear. Perhaps you’ve experienced some of the same words. “You are not good enough.” “One person can’t change the world.” “You are not making a difference.” “You are inadequate.” “What you are doing is not important.” “You are going to fail.”
You know what? These statements are ALL true statements “apart from God’s Power.” Apart from God’s Power, we aren’t good enough, we aren’t going to change the world, we aren’t going to make a difference….etc. But what satan underestimates is God’s Power. When we tap into His Power, His Strength, His Presence, we are good enough. We can change the world. What we are doing is of the utmost importance.
Let’s take a moment and read two passages that remind us of who He is—of His power and His strength.
*Read Psalm 19:7-14
*Read Job 38-41 You can read the whole thing, or just get the gist of it. (after 37 chapters of Job moaning and groaning and questioning, God answers him in a powerful way—these are perhaps my favorite chapters of the Old Testament because they remind me of who God is).
Job follows that up, and replies to God:
*Read Job 42:2 “I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.”
Now, read Matthew 6:25-34. Be reminded of how important you are to God. Be reminded that He will take care of your worries and fears. Remember to seek Him first and His Kingdom, and everything else will fall into place.
My prayer for you today is to take those fears that you listed above. Place them in God’s hands, and on His shoulders. Read Matthew 11:28-30:
Jesus says, “Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Right now, cast every fear, every doubt and every inadequacy upon Him. Stop drawing from your own strength, and make the commitment right now that you will draw from His strength.
Here’s the bottom line: God is God, and we are not. His strength is perfect. His methods are right. He loves us, and has our best interests at heart. Take those earlier statements of inadequacy that are so often whispered in your ear, and replace them with these truths. Again: God is God, and we are not. His strength is perfect. His methods are right. He loves us, and has our best interests at heart.
I want to close this devotion with another of my favorite uplifting passages of scripture, taken from Isaiah 40:28-31
“Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
They will run and not grow weary,
They will walk and not be faint.”
As Christians trying to live our lives in this world AND spread the Good News, there is a lot of work to be done. There are a lot of new people to minister to—some within our own family or neighborhood. Step out of your comfort zone—God has your back! Draw from His strength. Walk, run, soar!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Becoming Less
Devotion: Day 1: We Must become Less so that Christ becomes More (these next 5 entries are devotions I wrote for a missions worship team, but are some of my favorite devotions based on some of my favorite passages of scripture)
Psalm 34 says, “I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together.”
This devotion focuses on one central thing: We must become less so that Christ can become more.
One of the most incredible depictions of this comes from John the Baptist. John knew that his purpose was to prepare the way for Jesus—to get the word out. But he also knew that Jesus was the main man—that all people wouldn’t be saved through John and his great works and testimony, but that all people would be saved through Jesus. Read Mark 1:7-8: “And this was his (John’s) message: ‘After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.’” Once Jesus came, and was baptized by John, John’s visibility decreases, and Jesus’ increases. That’s how we should be. We have a message to proclaim—and through the proclaiming of that message, we need to become less and Jesus should become more!
In a church as big as ours, and a congregation as diverse, how do we unite and work together—we who see each other in passing, but don’t collectively really KNOW each other?
Philippians is probably my favorite book of the Bible, and I believe it answers that question. Read Philippians 2:2-4:
“…make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Those are easy words to read and understand, but they are difficult words to act out! Stop with me right now. Pray right now that you would be able to place every selfish ambition and every self-interest aside. That’s no small task in our own strength, but God can purify our hearts and help us to focus on Him if we ask Him. Read on—Philippians 2:5-11.
If Jesus could make himself nothing, who are we to make demands or hold ourselves in high esteem? He made himself nothing….and became obedient to death. I never fully understood the depth of the words to the great hymn “I Surrender All” until my last trip to Cuba. I am terribly afraid of flying. We had to get from one side of the island to the other, and our only option was a Cuban plane. As we prepared for take-off, there were two stark reminders that I was no longer in control: 1. The “emergency rope” above us (we decided that was so you could hang yourself before the plane crashed because there certainly was no place to climb to!!!) and 2. The smoke and exhaust that filled the cabin as we took off. I remember singing that song to God, thinking He really did have a sense of humor. But I remember saying to Him, “Okay…if we die on this plane, I’m okay with that. That means that you have accomplished everything you needed to accomplish through me. I don’t think you have (hint, hint), but I want you to know that I truly do surrender all to you right now.” You can’t help but laugh a little with God when you’re in a situation like that. Things were TOTALLY out of my hands, and TOTALLY in His.
God’s not asking us to risk our lives on a daily basis—thank God we live in a free society. He’s asking us to take a much more challenging risk. He’s asking us to surrender—to make ourselves nothing so that His glory can be revealed…so that His purposes can be achieved. We must become less, so that He can become more. Read that passage again: Philippians 2:5-11—it’s the Gospel message in a nutshell. Bask in those wonderful words of who Jesus is!
Every knee WILL bow, and every tongue WILL confess—one day. But we need to share the joy now! People who choose later miss out on so much joy, and so much LIFE! It is up to us to share His love and His life with the lost. It is up to us to bask in His glory with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Read Philippians 2:12-16
What powerful words in verse 16 – “as you hold out the word of life…”
We are “stars”, shining. …Perhaps the only stars some of the people we encounter will ever see! Start off this journey right. Surrender every expectation, every opinion, every selfish desire, every comfort to the Lord. Turn it over to Him. Let’s make the commitment to fade into the background, leaving only God’s Glory, Love and Truth to shine!
Finally, trust Him—He’s been working way ahead of us!!!!!
God, help us to do nothing out of our own agendas. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You. Place Your hand on us this very moment. Make Your presence known. We humble ourselves before You. We desire to be Your obedient servants. We surrender all to you, and know that we are in Your precious hands. Please, take what little we have to offer and multiply it to Your Kingdom. May the love of Christ radiate from our faces, our hearts, our voices, our instruments. Lord, we are Yours. Use us. Accomplish what You desire through us in this world. Here am I, send me!
Psalm 34 says, “I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together.”
This devotion focuses on one central thing: We must become less so that Christ can become more.
One of the most incredible depictions of this comes from John the Baptist. John knew that his purpose was to prepare the way for Jesus—to get the word out. But he also knew that Jesus was the main man—that all people wouldn’t be saved through John and his great works and testimony, but that all people would be saved through Jesus. Read Mark 1:7-8: “And this was his (John’s) message: ‘After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.’” Once Jesus came, and was baptized by John, John’s visibility decreases, and Jesus’ increases. That’s how we should be. We have a message to proclaim—and through the proclaiming of that message, we need to become less and Jesus should become more!
In a church as big as ours, and a congregation as diverse, how do we unite and work together—we who see each other in passing, but don’t collectively really KNOW each other?
Philippians is probably my favorite book of the Bible, and I believe it answers that question. Read Philippians 2:2-4:
“…make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
Those are easy words to read and understand, but they are difficult words to act out! Stop with me right now. Pray right now that you would be able to place every selfish ambition and every self-interest aside. That’s no small task in our own strength, but God can purify our hearts and help us to focus on Him if we ask Him. Read on—Philippians 2:5-11.
If Jesus could make himself nothing, who are we to make demands or hold ourselves in high esteem? He made himself nothing….and became obedient to death. I never fully understood the depth of the words to the great hymn “I Surrender All” until my last trip to Cuba. I am terribly afraid of flying. We had to get from one side of the island to the other, and our only option was a Cuban plane. As we prepared for take-off, there were two stark reminders that I was no longer in control: 1. The “emergency rope” above us (we decided that was so you could hang yourself before the plane crashed because there certainly was no place to climb to!!!) and 2. The smoke and exhaust that filled the cabin as we took off. I remember singing that song to God, thinking He really did have a sense of humor. But I remember saying to Him, “Okay…if we die on this plane, I’m okay with that. That means that you have accomplished everything you needed to accomplish through me. I don’t think you have (hint, hint), but I want you to know that I truly do surrender all to you right now.” You can’t help but laugh a little with God when you’re in a situation like that. Things were TOTALLY out of my hands, and TOTALLY in His.
God’s not asking us to risk our lives on a daily basis—thank God we live in a free society. He’s asking us to take a much more challenging risk. He’s asking us to surrender—to make ourselves nothing so that His glory can be revealed…so that His purposes can be achieved. We must become less, so that He can become more. Read that passage again: Philippians 2:5-11—it’s the Gospel message in a nutshell. Bask in those wonderful words of who Jesus is!
Every knee WILL bow, and every tongue WILL confess—one day. But we need to share the joy now! People who choose later miss out on so much joy, and so much LIFE! It is up to us to share His love and His life with the lost. It is up to us to bask in His glory with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Read Philippians 2:12-16
What powerful words in verse 16 – “as you hold out the word of life…”
We are “stars”, shining. …Perhaps the only stars some of the people we encounter will ever see! Start off this journey right. Surrender every expectation, every opinion, every selfish desire, every comfort to the Lord. Turn it over to Him. Let’s make the commitment to fade into the background, leaving only God’s Glory, Love and Truth to shine!
Finally, trust Him—He’s been working way ahead of us!!!!!
God, help us to do nothing out of our own agendas. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on You. Place Your hand on us this very moment. Make Your presence known. We humble ourselves before You. We desire to be Your obedient servants. We surrender all to you, and know that we are in Your precious hands. Please, take what little we have to offer and multiply it to Your Kingdom. May the love of Christ radiate from our faces, our hearts, our voices, our instruments. Lord, we are Yours. Use us. Accomplish what You desire through us in this world. Here am I, send me!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Salt and Light
It is not an easy thing to be salt and light in this world. We are surrounded by pitfalls and snares at every turn (not to mention terrible drivers and difficult people). It's hard enough to even be witness in my own family, let alone love and witness to the people of this world.
One of the most difficult things in the American culture is evangelism. For some reason, I can go to a foreign country, and I have no problem evangelizing. But in my own backyard? It's very difficult. Rory Noland, in his book The Heart of the Artist says that in order to reach the unchurched, you have to meet them where they are and use a language they can understand. This is true whether it be spoken language or use of the arts. But what does this mean?
It used to really bug me when I would hear a secular song being played on KLTY. I thought they were watering down Christianity. In fact, it's quite the contrary. If we can connect with people where they are, they are much more likely to listen. For instance, if someone is flipping stations and they hear U2 "Where the Streets Have No Name" or Chris Daughtry's "I'm Coming Home", they might be more likely to stay, and maybe hear the message of grace through another song like Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)". Paul gave an example of this type of application when speaking in Athens. He used the "language of their poets" to describe their (our) connection with God (his offspring--Acts 17:28).
It's the same for us in real, everyday life. It's not rocket science. It's just living with the mindset that what we do makes a difference. People are watching how we live. We do matter. They are looking for REAL people with REAL lives and REAL circumstances.
A great example of this comes from an 11 year old boy. This boy had been disappointed in the position the coach had him playing on the football team. But, through one of our Pastor's sermons, this little boy realized that it wasn't entirely about him, but about the team, and made the commitment to look out for the betterment of the team. The next day, that little boy went to football practice. The coaches were running the boys hard. There was one little boy who was overweight, and really struggling. Rather than make fun, or not encourage him, that 11 year old boy who heard his Pastor's words finished his laps. He then went out and joined his teammate and ran extra laps so that he could finish with and encourage his teammate. That little boy made a difference--he was a witness in that moment.
We all have opportunities like that--EVERYDAY. We also easily come up with excuses to overlook them or avoid them. But, if an 11 year old boy can do it, then surely we seasoned adults can. My challenge today (to myself) is to find an opportunity every day this week to be salt and light. Maybe through one action of mine, one person will notice and will start down the path of leading that individual to my Savior. All it takes to start that trickle down is the courage to take that first step.
I love Romans 12. It doesn't tell us to beat our neighbor over the head with the Bible or use high and mighty Christian language when talking (often down) to non-believers. It doesn't say, "Get angry with lost people because they hold football practice on Wednesday night or cuss or don't treat others right". It says,
Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of in harmony...honor one another above yourselves....
That's my goal for this week!
Lord, help me to be real. Help me to make a difference in this world. Help me not to overlook or make excuses when opportunities arise for me to be salt and light. Help me to live a life that's authentic and worthy, so that people will see what is real in my life and not a facade that I've put up for their benefit. I love You, Lord. I thank You that You are willing to meet each and every one of us where we are every day.
One of the most difficult things in the American culture is evangelism. For some reason, I can go to a foreign country, and I have no problem evangelizing. But in my own backyard? It's very difficult. Rory Noland, in his book The Heart of the Artist says that in order to reach the unchurched, you have to meet them where they are and use a language they can understand. This is true whether it be spoken language or use of the arts. But what does this mean?
It used to really bug me when I would hear a secular song being played on KLTY. I thought they were watering down Christianity. In fact, it's quite the contrary. If we can connect with people where they are, they are much more likely to listen. For instance, if someone is flipping stations and they hear U2 "Where the Streets Have No Name" or Chris Daughtry's "I'm Coming Home", they might be more likely to stay, and maybe hear the message of grace through another song like Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)". Paul gave an example of this type of application when speaking in Athens. He used the "language of their poets" to describe their (our) connection with God (his offspring--Acts 17:28).
It's the same for us in real, everyday life. It's not rocket science. It's just living with the mindset that what we do makes a difference. People are watching how we live. We do matter. They are looking for REAL people with REAL lives and REAL circumstances.
A great example of this comes from an 11 year old boy. This boy had been disappointed in the position the coach had him playing on the football team. But, through one of our Pastor's sermons, this little boy realized that it wasn't entirely about him, but about the team, and made the commitment to look out for the betterment of the team. The next day, that little boy went to football practice. The coaches were running the boys hard. There was one little boy who was overweight, and really struggling. Rather than make fun, or not encourage him, that 11 year old boy who heard his Pastor's words finished his laps. He then went out and joined his teammate and ran extra laps so that he could finish with and encourage his teammate. That little boy made a difference--he was a witness in that moment.
We all have opportunities like that--EVERYDAY. We also easily come up with excuses to overlook them or avoid them. But, if an 11 year old boy can do it, then surely we seasoned adults can. My challenge today (to myself) is to find an opportunity every day this week to be salt and light. Maybe through one action of mine, one person will notice and will start down the path of leading that individual to my Savior. All it takes to start that trickle down is the courage to take that first step.
I love Romans 12. It doesn't tell us to beat our neighbor over the head with the Bible or use high and mighty Christian language when talking (often down) to non-believers. It doesn't say, "Get angry with lost people because they hold football practice on Wednesday night or cuss or don't treat others right". It says,
Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of in harmony...honor one another above yourselves....
That's my goal for this week!
Lord, help me to be real. Help me to make a difference in this world. Help me not to overlook or make excuses when opportunities arise for me to be salt and light. Help me to live a life that's authentic and worthy, so that people will see what is real in my life and not a facade that I've put up for their benefit. I love You, Lord. I thank You that You are willing to meet each and every one of us where we are every day.
Knowing God
I'm reading an incredible book right now: Knowing God by J.I. Packer. Packer has so many nuggets for developing a deeper relationship with God, but one of my favorites is a quote from a sermon of Charles Spurgeon. In this day and age, everyone wants answers. They expect Christians to have all of the answers. The funny thing is, in my walk with God, I find that the longer I walk and closer I walk with Him, the more I realize I do not know. I can't say it any better than Spurgeon, so I'm just going to leave with you today his words:
No subject of contemplation will tend more to humble the mind than thoughts of God...But while the subject humbles the mind, it also expands it. Nothing will so enlarge the intellect, nothing so magnify the whole soul of man, as devout, earnest, continued investigation of the great subject of the go, plunge yourself in the Godhead's deepest sea; be lost in his immensity; and you shall come forth as from a couch of rest, refreshed and invigorated.
No wonder Paul says in Philippians Chapter 3 that he considers everything loss compared to the surpassing knowledge of Christ. In Paul's words,
Philippians 3:10a I want to know Christ...
No subject of contemplation will tend more to humble the mind than thoughts of God...But while the subject humbles the mind, it also expands it. Nothing will so enlarge the intellect, nothing so magnify the whole soul of man, as devout, earnest, continued investigation of the great subject of the go, plunge yourself in the Godhead's deepest sea; be lost in his immensity; and you shall come forth as from a couch of rest, refreshed and invigorated.
No wonder Paul says in Philippians Chapter 3 that he considers everything loss compared to the surpassing knowledge of Christ. In Paul's words,
Philippians 3:10a I want to know Christ...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Ambassador or Spectator?
Have you ever awakened on a Sunday morning, and just not felt like going to church? Or, have you ever sat through church and made lists of all that you need to do for the week? Or, have you ever been to a worship service where you sat and critiqued everything that happened--the instrumentalists were too loud, they didn't sing songs that I knew, the preacher preached too long, the deacon took too long to get to the platform, there wasn't enough flow....the list goes on. I know, because I've done it!
When I was in Cuba, we worshiped every night. We were in a small town on the Eastern part of the island, and we had hundreds in worship every night. The people there made serious sacrifices to come to church. They risked everything--their food, their housing, their jobs--to worship God in a corporate environment. Coming back from that experience, I vowed never to be complacent about worship again. Yet, it's something that I honestly struggle with from time to time.
What does the Bible have to say about our role? Look at 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. It says, "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making an appeal through us...God made Him who had no sin to become sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."
He made us ambassadors...not spectators. Corporate Worship is a time when we can come together as fellow believers and share in the joy of knowing Christ. We can stand (or sit), hands raised (or folded in reverence), unified before the Throne, and experience His transforming power. What an amazing gift God has bestowed upon us. But then, it's not just something that we receive or something that's done to us, we are supposed to be "doers"--"ambassadors". We are ministers of reconciliation. We have a role to play in this world. We have a role to play in worship. It's a huge responsibility!
1 Corinthians 14:24-25 says that even an unbeliever can come into a corporate worship service and be transformed. Here are the steps it outlines: 1. They are convicted of their sin, 2. They become vulnerable and face the truth of who they are and who God is, 3. They are drawn to God, and 4. They recognize His presence. If the unbeliever can walk into a worship service and recognize God, why is it that so often we walk in and all we leave with are our likes and dislikes? So often, we remain at the surface instead of opening our eyes (Ephesians 1:18) and being enlightened with the truths He has to reveal to us.
I can remember sitting in worship in Glorieta one summer. I was not in a healthy place in my spiritual life. I was tired. I was not feeling fed. I was facing a lot of challenges in my job and in life. I went into worship, expecting to be amazed and for them to do something to me to change my circumstances. All "they" sang were hokey, old-time choruses that I didn't even know. One of them didn't even make sense theologically. So I began to focus on how frustrated I was that I was in GLORIETA, and all they could feed me was some theologically dumb 80's chorus (the text of which I later read in Daniel--quoted word for word from holy Scripture). After grousing and grumbling through the music portion of the service, Selwyn Hughes stood up to preach. I don't really know what he preached about for the first 10 minutes or so. But then, he began to share his testimony. It was simple--about a teenage boy coming to know Christ. But there was something in the simplicity of his story that opened up my ears, and I began to open my spiritual eyes, and God began to speak to my heart. He convicted me right then and there of my selfishness in worship. Amazingly enough, He was working on Dennis' heart at the exact same time. I'll never forget as the invitation began, Dennis and I grabbed each others' hands and knelt and prayed together, broken before the Lord.
Worship is a witness. Psalm 40:3 says, "He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord." That day in Glorieta, He put a new song in my heart. In Cuba, He put a new song in my heart. Last Sunday, as I stood with my hands raised in corporate worship singing Days of Elijah, He put a new song in my heart. If we are open and come ready for action, His presence will confront us and His transforming power will change us in a mighty way. I love the last part of that verse: "Many will see....and put their trust in the Lord." All we have to do is be active and faithful, and "many" will come to know Him.
O Lord, help me never to be complacent about corporate worship. Even when I'm tired or worried, help me to enter corporate worship with a clear mind and an open heart. Lord, You have so much to teach me, and so many things to transform in my life. I don't want to just sit on the sidelines. Thank you for giving me a role to play. Help me to be faithful. Mold me as Your ambassador. Thank you for the responsibility you have given to me and my brothers and sisters in Christ to share in this ministry of reconciliation. I love you, Lord!
When I was in Cuba, we worshiped every night. We were in a small town on the Eastern part of the island, and we had hundreds in worship every night. The people there made serious sacrifices to come to church. They risked everything--their food, their housing, their jobs--to worship God in a corporate environment. Coming back from that experience, I vowed never to be complacent about worship again. Yet, it's something that I honestly struggle with from time to time.
What does the Bible have to say about our role? Look at 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. It says, "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making an appeal through us...God made Him who had no sin to become sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."
He made us ambassadors...not spectators. Corporate Worship is a time when we can come together as fellow believers and share in the joy of knowing Christ. We can stand (or sit), hands raised (or folded in reverence), unified before the Throne, and experience His transforming power. What an amazing gift God has bestowed upon us. But then, it's not just something that we receive or something that's done to us, we are supposed to be "doers"--"ambassadors". We are ministers of reconciliation. We have a role to play in this world. We have a role to play in worship. It's a huge responsibility!
1 Corinthians 14:24-25 says that even an unbeliever can come into a corporate worship service and be transformed. Here are the steps it outlines: 1. They are convicted of their sin, 2. They become vulnerable and face the truth of who they are and who God is, 3. They are drawn to God, and 4. They recognize His presence. If the unbeliever can walk into a worship service and recognize God, why is it that so often we walk in and all we leave with are our likes and dislikes? So often, we remain at the surface instead of opening our eyes (Ephesians 1:18) and being enlightened with the truths He has to reveal to us.
I can remember sitting in worship in Glorieta one summer. I was not in a healthy place in my spiritual life. I was tired. I was not feeling fed. I was facing a lot of challenges in my job and in life. I went into worship, expecting to be amazed and for them to do something to me to change my circumstances. All "they" sang were hokey, old-time choruses that I didn't even know. One of them didn't even make sense theologically. So I began to focus on how frustrated I was that I was in GLORIETA, and all they could feed me was some theologically dumb 80's chorus (the text of which I later read in Daniel--quoted word for word from holy Scripture). After grousing and grumbling through the music portion of the service, Selwyn Hughes stood up to preach. I don't really know what he preached about for the first 10 minutes or so. But then, he began to share his testimony. It was simple--about a teenage boy coming to know Christ. But there was something in the simplicity of his story that opened up my ears, and I began to open my spiritual eyes, and God began to speak to my heart. He convicted me right then and there of my selfishness in worship. Amazingly enough, He was working on Dennis' heart at the exact same time. I'll never forget as the invitation began, Dennis and I grabbed each others' hands and knelt and prayed together, broken before the Lord.
Worship is a witness. Psalm 40:3 says, "He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord." That day in Glorieta, He put a new song in my heart. In Cuba, He put a new song in my heart. Last Sunday, as I stood with my hands raised in corporate worship singing Days of Elijah, He put a new song in my heart. If we are open and come ready for action, His presence will confront us and His transforming power will change us in a mighty way. I love the last part of that verse: "Many will see....and put their trust in the Lord." All we have to do is be active and faithful, and "many" will come to know Him.
O Lord, help me never to be complacent about corporate worship. Even when I'm tired or worried, help me to enter corporate worship with a clear mind and an open heart. Lord, You have so much to teach me, and so many things to transform in my life. I don't want to just sit on the sidelines. Thank you for giving me a role to play. Help me to be faithful. Mold me as Your ambassador. Thank you for the responsibility you have given to me and my brothers and sisters in Christ to share in this ministry of reconciliation. I love you, Lord!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Random Brushstrokes or a Masterpiece?
We are all "busy" people. It's a strange phenomenon in our society. It's almost like a competition. We all try to compare schedules and see who's busiest. I guess it's a way to make us feel more important.
Today, I was sitting in staff meeting, and our Pastor was talking about the importance of spiritual formation. I must confess, my mind was on the long, "very important" list I had to accomplish and not on my own spiritual formation, let alone the spiritual formation of others.
I proceeded to go to a funeral service where one of the people there began telling me how busy she was. As she was talking incessantly about her busy schedule and all of the important things she was doing, I heard myself--my own selfish attitude of "busy-ness" and self-importance. It was as if I were standing in a mirror. It was a huge wake-up call to me. If I'm "too busy" for spiritual formation, then there's something wrong with my focus, my purpose, my calling. It should be the core of what I do, not something leftover for when I "have time".
David says in Psalm 8, "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?"
When was the last time that I reflected on the beauty of the heavens, the works of His fingers? When did I stop to thank Him for the amazing changing backdrop He creates for us everyday?
I'm the type of person who thrives on "making good time" on a road trip. I could care less about the sites, so long as I beat my previous time. As a matter of fact, I can remember when I actually got frustrated with my husband because he wanted to stop and look at a really cool rock formation in New Mexico, and I didn't want to stop because I was "making record time". But he made me stop, and even took time to climb the formation. I sat in the car and tapped on the steering wheel and watched the clock, waiting for him to return, wondering what was taking him so long! He experienced first-hand "the works of God's fingers". I experienced nothing but frustration and self-pity.
I am a busy person. I like having a full schedule. It's a choice I make. I like new challenges. I like feeling like I've helped someone, or figured out how to organize something, or putting in long hours on a project. I truly enjoy work. But with that work comes the balance of resting in, pondering, considering, learning from & listening to the Creator. If our first stop isn't with Him, then how can we make sense of the rest?
My favorite artist is Monet. I've been to the Louvre, Museum D'Orsay, the National Gallery in London, among other museums with fantastic Monet collections. Have you ever seen a Monet up close? I love standing up close to the Monet. In some museums, you can almost press your nose up against the canvas. I love looking at the brushstrokes, and then stepping back and seeing a masterpiece. Sometimes, that is how I live life, only I'm concentrating so hard on the brush strokes, and standing so close--almost right in the middle of the painting. But the painting doesn't make any sense to me. It's frustrating to me because I've forgotten to step back. Then, I step back, open my eyes, and see the picture as a whole. Everything makes so much more sense.
That's what God desires from us--to step back and spend that time with Him so He can show us life through His eyes--to be in constant relationship with Him, the Master Creator. Nothing outside of that relationship matters. Paul knew this. He wrote to the Philippians, "I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." Knowing You, Jesus -- there is no greater thing!
Dear Lord, Thank You for reminding me of your greatness. Thank You for reminding me of the beauty You created. Thank You for loving me and being mindful of me, even when I too often bring You only my leftovers. Lord, help me to bring You my firstfruits. I want to give You my best. Help me to channel my busy-ness and balance it with quality time spent with You and my family. Help me to be a model of health that stems only from You. Help me to press on, but press on looking upward, and not lost in the busy-ness of the details. Help me to see the big picture, and my role in it. I love You, Lord.
Today, I was sitting in staff meeting, and our Pastor was talking about the importance of spiritual formation. I must confess, my mind was on the long, "very important" list I had to accomplish and not on my own spiritual formation, let alone the spiritual formation of others.
I proceeded to go to a funeral service where one of the people there began telling me how busy she was. As she was talking incessantly about her busy schedule and all of the important things she was doing, I heard myself--my own selfish attitude of "busy-ness" and self-importance. It was as if I were standing in a mirror. It was a huge wake-up call to me. If I'm "too busy" for spiritual formation, then there's something wrong with my focus, my purpose, my calling. It should be the core of what I do, not something leftover for when I "have time".
David says in Psalm 8, "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?"
When was the last time that I reflected on the beauty of the heavens, the works of His fingers? When did I stop to thank Him for the amazing changing backdrop He creates for us everyday?
I'm the type of person who thrives on "making good time" on a road trip. I could care less about the sites, so long as I beat my previous time. As a matter of fact, I can remember when I actually got frustrated with my husband because he wanted to stop and look at a really cool rock formation in New Mexico, and I didn't want to stop because I was "making record time". But he made me stop, and even took time to climb the formation. I sat in the car and tapped on the steering wheel and watched the clock, waiting for him to return, wondering what was taking him so long! He experienced first-hand "the works of God's fingers". I experienced nothing but frustration and self-pity.
I am a busy person. I like having a full schedule. It's a choice I make. I like new challenges. I like feeling like I've helped someone, or figured out how to organize something, or putting in long hours on a project. I truly enjoy work. But with that work comes the balance of resting in, pondering, considering, learning from & listening to the Creator. If our first stop isn't with Him, then how can we make sense of the rest?
My favorite artist is Monet. I've been to the Louvre, Museum D'Orsay, the National Gallery in London, among other museums with fantastic Monet collections. Have you ever seen a Monet up close? I love standing up close to the Monet. In some museums, you can almost press your nose up against the canvas. I love looking at the brushstrokes, and then stepping back and seeing a masterpiece. Sometimes, that is how I live life, only I'm concentrating so hard on the brush strokes, and standing so close--almost right in the middle of the painting. But the painting doesn't make any sense to me. It's frustrating to me because I've forgotten to step back. Then, I step back, open my eyes, and see the picture as a whole. Everything makes so much more sense.
That's what God desires from us--to step back and spend that time with Him so He can show us life through His eyes--to be in constant relationship with Him, the Master Creator. Nothing outside of that relationship matters. Paul knew this. He wrote to the Philippians, "I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord." Knowing You, Jesus -- there is no greater thing!
Dear Lord, Thank You for reminding me of your greatness. Thank You for reminding me of the beauty You created. Thank You for loving me and being mindful of me, even when I too often bring You only my leftovers. Lord, help me to bring You my firstfruits. I want to give You my best. Help me to channel my busy-ness and balance it with quality time spent with You and my family. Help me to be a model of health that stems only from You. Help me to press on, but press on looking upward, and not lost in the busy-ness of the details. Help me to see the big picture, and my role in it. I love You, Lord.
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