Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Holy, Famous Name

Proverbs 22:1 says, "A good name (reputation) is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold."

Tonight, my daughter, Abigail, was playing on the piano. She will sit there for hours, picking out tunes that are familiar, then harmonizing them, then reharmonizing them. We laughed at Christmas because she learned "Deck the Halls" in major...then minor...then in the Dorian mode, etc. Dennis and I find it very entertaining (most of the time).

Tonight, she picked out Beethoven's Fur Elise. After she picked it out, she rearranged it. It turned out to be a "dueling Fur Elise" in the style of "Dueling Banjos". It was quite humorous.

When she finished, I was praising her creativity. She came in from the music room and said, "I think I'm famous." We asked her why she thought that. She said "because Beethoven named a piece for me" (her middle name is Elise). I told her that her first name was a famous name, too. She said, "Yes it is...a HOLY famous name." We've often told her of the story of Abigail and David from 1 Samuel. Abigail actually means "her Father's joy." She is not only her Heavenly Father's joy, but our joy as well.

As I began to prepare for bed, I was smiling and thinking of her statement--"a holy famous name". It dawned on me that each of us, as followers of Christ, has "a holy famous name". Our names as believers are written eternally in the Book of Life (Revelation 21:27). That thought just made me feel like celebrating. Here's the text of praise that came to mind, from the great praise song (and ancient hymn text) Before the Throne of God Above:

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea.
A great high Priest whose Name is Love
Who ever lives and pleads for me.
My name is graven on His hands,
My name is written on His heart.
I know that while in heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

My name (and yours--for you who believe) is written on His heart and graven on His hands. He stands as payment for my sins and as intercessor for the Father. He stands so that I can dwell with the Father eternally. My name is holy. Meditate on that thought for a moment.

My name is holy.

No tongue can cause it to disappear from His heart and His hands...from that precious Book of Life. Our reputation is spoken for by the Lamb of God. Our name is sealed by His blood.

Thank You, Father for sending Your precious Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. We are not worthy in and of ourselves. But You have made us worth more than any great wealth of this earth. You have sealed our names in the eternal Book of Life. Thank You for the hope, foundation, and security we have in You. We love You. We praise You for the profound mystery and eternal hope found in this precious gift.

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On Top of Pecos Baldy

On Top of Pecos Baldy
...what a memory!